Simple green smoothies  sent an email with 5 smoothie recipes for 5 days of the week and for rest of the two days we can repeat any that we like.

For the first day, I chose to make their berry cold fighter. Each smoothie recipe below makes 4-5 cups, which is perfect for two people. If you have leftovers, share with a friend or store in the fridge for 1-3 days in an airtight container. You can also halve the recipe if you prefer to only make one serving at a time.

Berry Cold Fighter  |  Serves 2
2 cups kale, fresh
2 cups water
1 banana
1 cup pineapple
2 cups mixed berries
(strawberries, blueberries and raspberries)
2 teaspoons elderberry extract, optional
Some changes which I made are:
wpid-IMG_20131001_190418.JPGBerry Cold Fighter  |  Serves 1
1 cup spinach
1 cup water
1/2 banana
1/2 cup pineapple
1 cup strawberries
1/2 inch piece ginger. peeled
1 teaspoons sprouted flax powder
IMG_20131001_192906The smoothie was a tad brown in color which could be due to the strawberry I guess. I didn’t get any distinct flavor of any fruit but there was no taste of spinach at all. It seemed a bit strange to drink the thick green liquid as first. I didn’t “not” like the flavor but it just felt a bit strange. Waiting for tomorrows challenge now!